Balancing the Chakras with Healing Angels

The seven energy centers and celestial beings dedicated to your health and healing

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Think you don't need to balance your chakras and heal with the angels? Think again.

In today's world, the psychic debris, toxic free radicals and illnesses that threaten our bodies and peace of mind are at an all time high. They continue to hold us back as we encounter them in our everyday life.

Balancing the chakras and allowing the healing angels to help support you is a vital tool to protect your entire body (mind, body, spirit) in the right way. That's why techniques, activity's, exercises, blessing prayers, lessons, healing foods, mantras, life-affirming affirmations, healing crystals and more are included in this course to help support your healing journey.

There is a wealth of information at your fingertips in this amazing resource for healing of all kinds that happens on a subtle level. See it as a beautiful blessing and answer to your prayers with step-by-step instructions on how to stimulate your health so you can fully enjoy the life you have, 100%.

Angels to the Rescue

The guardian angels and archangels who surround you right now are governed by the universal Law of Free Will, which states that they cannot intervene in your life unless you give them permission. Angels have powerfully effective and safe ways to help stimulate your healing that will not interfere with any current treatments you are using. In fact, they are an amazing force to increase your body’s life force energy. All you need to do is learn how to ask the angels for help and guidance so you can receive their Divine assistance.

Chakras are energy wheels in the body along the spine that rotate in a clock-wise direction at varying speeds. There are seven chakras from the base of the spine to the crown. Each chakra governs a specific region of the body and when one or several are out of balance, a health condition can arise. Understanding the chakra system and the importance of their overall health is important for a life filled with joy, inspiration, purpose and creativity.

This powerful healing combination of Chakras and Angels will balance your physical and subtle body systems in a way that supports your current health and healing practice. Whether you're brand new or seasoned to the angelic realm you're sure to love this fresh approach to learning about these powerful celestial beings.

I walk you through each chakra and realm of corresponding healing angels and include loads of activity's, exercises, blessing prayers, visualizations, meditations and so much more to use on yourself or share with others.

Welcome and namaste my angel friend, to the journey of a lifetime.



Self-paced. Available immediately.

Lifetime access.


  • Chakra, a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” and why it’s important
  • Seven chakra energy centers and how they interact with your aura
  • Angels for powerful healing and guidance
  • Blessings for increased vitality
  • Life-affirming affirmations
  • Clearing exercises to help you release fears and emotional blocks
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to tune into each chakra
  • Healing meditation and prayers
  • Activity’s to encourage a balanced and grounded body
  • Helpful PDF downloadable handouts
  • and so much more. . .

Private FB Group exclusive to students enrolled in this Course where you can connect, share and engage. Access to me to ask your burning questions.


"The angels are masters of healing you
and healing the world."

~ Joanna Easton

Your Instructor

Joanna Easton
Joanna Easton

Hi there. I'm Joanna Easton, Angel Intuitive and Master Teacher. Angels are beautiful ways to connect with the Divine to help make our human experience more joyful and less stressful. Angelic guidance helps you find answers, messages and solutions and they are just waiting to assist you make decisions and choices. As a certified teacher with over 20 years of classroom experience, I'm happiest when sharing with others how to take esoteric concepts and deliver them in a way that is practical, user-friendly and easy to understand. Are you ready to take your love of learning to a whole new level?



balancing your chakras with healing angels may cause powerful feelings of abundance, joy, happiness, thriving health and unwavering spiritual guidance.


  • Class 1: Chakra Centers and Healing Angels overview
  • Class 2: Muladahra, First Chakra "safety, security and survival center" and Angels of Divine Grounding
  • Class 3: Svadhisthana, Second Chakra "creativity, sensuality and emotional center" and Angels of Divine Emotions
  • Class 4: Manipura, Third Chakra "self-worth, confidence and personal power center" and Angels of Divine Soul Esteem
  • Class 5: Anahata, Fourth Chakra "seat of love and compassion" and Angels of Divine Love
  • Class 6: Vissudha, Fifth Chakra "seat of heart-centered listening and speaking" and Angels of Divine Communication
  • Class 7: Ajna, Sixth Chakra "seat of inner wisdom, spiritual knowledge and insight" and Angels of Divine Sight
  • Class 8: Sahasrara, Seventh Chakra "center of devotion, Faith and spiritual connection" and Angels of Divine Awakening
  • Meditation to Balance and Awaken the Chakra Centers

Exclusive Bonus Class Limited to Members Only

Life Enhancing Foods, Herbs & Teas to Calm, Soothe and Balance Your Body for Thriving Health

This transformative offering is a wonderful companion guide to beautifully complement the high-level energetic understanding covered in the Chakra and Angelic realms. Feeding, blessing and caring for the body you inhabit is truly a sacred act of love and this class will help support you in reaching peak, optimal conditions for healing your whole being. Mind. Body. Spirit.


"People often think I’m crazy when I start talking about the angels. I used to feel the same way, then I started getting Angel Card readings from Joanna. I loved it! And, she was so right, I wanted to learn more and I bought the Intuitive Angel Masterclass. I find the more I learn, the more I listen and pay attention, the more signs I see. I’ve also signed up for more of her angel inspired classes. I just can’t get enough!
Thank you Joanna for opening my eyes and my heart to the angels.”

- Roberta Rousos, Retired Teacher, Artist

“Joanna is an amazing angel intuitive and teacher. I love her courses and so happy that I own them. She has helped me connect with my angels in a way I never have before and has lovingly guided me down the path of my spiritual life I have now. I highly recommend her courses!

I know you’ll LOVE them as much as I do and you’ll feel ready to connect to your angels!”"

- Arielle Cowser, Card Reader, Podcast personality, mom


"The angels wish to heal you so you can receive Divine blessings."

~ Joanna Easton

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
I’m super excited about this class. Are there materials I need to purchase ahead of time?
Leave your worries to me, my friend. I just need your beautiful, smiling face and open heart. I provide all the materials needed. So sit back. Relax. Enjoy your time with the Healing Angels, discovering the amazing world of the Chakras, and being part of an amazing group of people dedicated to angels and healing.
I would like to purchase this course for a friend and gift it to them. Is that okay?
Absolutely! I’m a big fan of sharing thoughtful gifts with those we care about who may not be able to spend the money on themselves. Simply click on any of the enroll buttons, follow the prompts and give them the gift that keeps on giving.
What if I have questions that come up?
I hope you do! You always have access to me to ask me questions. Also, there is a members only Private FB Group just for students of this class. You’re welcome to ask questions inside this group by simply “tagging” me. You do this by typing my name at the beginning of your question and FB will notify me. I’ll answer it as soon as I can. If you prefer email, simply send me an email here: [email protected]
This seems like a lot of information. Will I be overwhelmed or feel left behind?
Absolutely not! The only requirement is an open mind, curiosity and a willingness to learn. As a certified classroom teacher and yoga teacher, I understand the journey of learning. Students, regardless of age, understand information in a variety of ways and teaching about angels or the chakra system is no exception. That’s why handouts, activity’s, visualizations, meditations, and discussions are part of the beauty and richness of our “virtual classroom.”
I really want to do this class, is there a 2-payment option available?
Yes! Simply click the button below and it will take you to the shopping cart screen. Simply click on the 2-Payment Option for the Chakra and Angels class and you'll be walked through the simple process.


  • Chakra, a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” and why it’s important
  • Seven chakra energy centers and how they interact with your aura
  • Angels for powerful healing and guidance
  • Blessings for increased vitality
  • Life-affirming affirmations
  • Clearing exercises to help you release fears and emotional blocks
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to tune into each chakra
  • Healing meditation and prayers
  • Activity’s to encourage a balanced and grounded body
  • Helpful PDF downloadable handouts
  • and so much more. . .

Private FB Group exclusive to students enrolled in this Course where you can connect, share and engage. Access to me to ask your burning questions.


Self-paced. Available immediately.

Lifetime access.

"I am completely glued to my laptop the entire time. I can’t say enough good things about Joanna’s angel courses. She is a powerful and excellent teacher of how to work intimately with the angels. My life is full of miracles and I can't say enough good things about her. Thank you SO much, Joanna."

- Donna De Rosier, Retiree, mother, angel lover

"I just love Joanna’s classes. I have purchased the Homestudy Angel Masterclass and have been part of several Zoom style classes. I always learn something new in every angel class. Best money I’ve spent in a long time- hands down!!! If you’re on the fence at all, get off, and do yourself a favor. You’ll LOVE it!"

- Mitzi Grover, Realtor, Snowbird, devoted grandma

"I LOVE Joanna's angel courses. And guess what? I have all of them and I just can't get enough. My life is full of magic and miracles since I found Joanna and the angels. Best investment in money, ever!"

- Cindy Marshal, Pediatric Physical Therapist, Avid horsewoman, devoted mom



When you have completed the Balancing the Chakras with Healing Angels online course, email me that you are done. You will then receive a Certificate of Completion acknowledging that you have met the requirements for competency and professionalism, and will follow a code of ethics as recognized by industry standards.

Well done, angel.

Get started now!