Angel Course Masterclass

everything you need to know about working, connecting and healing with the angelic realm

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What if you could focus on one aspect of your well-being to transform all others?

And at the same time prevent the sense of feeling lost, frustrated, overwhelmed, disconnected, unbalanced, alone, and ignored?

The truth is, deep down, you know you were meant for more. You know you were meant to follow your bliss, shine your light, connect with your Life's purpose, be a magnet for miracles and a conduit for healing not only yourself but the world. Seem like a tall order? Like it's too good to be true? Think again.

Angel Rx

Angels are pure sentient beings made of light and love. They love you unconditionally and want to help you in EVERY area of your life. Nothing is too big or too small for these wonderful, compassionate Divine helpers. Believe it or not the angels mission is to help you heal so your experience here during this lifetime is joyful, happy, free of anxiety and free from worry.

Engaging regularly and intentionally with the angelic realm is a powerful way to help you develop a closer connection to the sacred. There is literally nothing they can't do. The angels are just waiting to present you with a creative and magical solution to your prayers. Divinely inspired answers will help heal your life and ease your mind.

Working with angels is a direct invitation for you to experience EXTRA SUPPORT and you will get to know them in a much deeper and profound way. This course offers a way for you to experience first-hand a strong connection to the angels of purpose, service, medicine, healing, relationships, career, finance, dreams, education, family matters, business and so much more. Once this bond is made, you'll have the connection for LIFE.


Lifetime Access


  • SEVEN in-depth lessons with Angel expert and master teacher Joanna Easton
  • Over 15 1/2 hours of video content
  • Downloadable PDF handouts
  • Clear instructions on how to talk to your angels
  • Prayers, meditations and visualizations
  • The chakra system and the angels
  • Techniques to sever unwanted cords
  • Easy-to-use angelic protection demonstrations
  • How to remove blocks and obstacles to success and abundance
  • Common signs from the angels
  • The 15 Principal Archangels and their specialties
  • and so much more...

When you register, you get immediate access to all seven lessons and you can start ASAP. You'll go from Angel novice to Angel Expert...quickly. To work with the angels you don't need to be "special" or "chosen". You only need a desire to learn "how" to work with them.

The natural ability to connect with the angels loving guidance is already inside of you, it's simply a matter of bringing it out from the shadows and inviting it back into your heart.
This practical and user-friendly course is full of powerful information and proven techniques that you can try out immediately.

Your Instructor

Joanna Easton
Joanna Easton

Hi there. I'm Joanna Easton, Angel Intuitive and Master Teacher. Angels are beautiful ways to connect with the Divine to help make our human experience more joyful and less stressful. Angelic guidance helps you find answers, messages and solutions and they are just waiting to assist you make decisions and choices. As a certified teacher with over 20 years of classroom experience, I'm happiest when sharing with others how to take esoteric concepts and deliver them in a way that is practical, user-friendly and easy to understand. Are you ready to take your love of learning to a whole new level?


Seven-part comprehensive video
course with Joanna Easton

(50 videos total)

Get started now!


In this section we cover the basics at the foundational level and build up from there. You'll learn the who, what, when, where and why of the angelic realm. The primary emphasis here is to help you gain knowledge, insight and wisdom so your confidence in seeing signs and knowing what they mean helps you in your day-to-day life. You'll go from spiritual novice to angelic expert in no time.


  • Welcome and How To Use The Course
  • Who Are the Angels?
  • Asking And Free Will
  • Let's Talk Religion
  • Ways to Ask the Angels for Help
  • The Angelic Realm: Guardian Angels
  • The Angelic Realm: Spirit Guides
  • The Angelic Realm: Archangels
  • Angel Numbers


  • The 15 Archangels and Their Specialties
  • Angel Numbers Companion Guide

This is hands-down one of the most popular and highly requested areas of interest. It is completely dedicated to supporting your connection to abundance and prosperity in ALL areas of your life, not just money.

These angels are powerhouses devoted to supporting your connection to the natural flow of giving and receiving. They help you seamlessly move into the energy of financial freedom, thriving health and positive thinking. Abundance angels have amazing ways of removing unwanted blocks and obstacles along your path so you can embrace a full, rich and prosperous life.


  • Angels of Abundance Introduction
  • Angels of Abundance: Michael and Raphael
  • Angels of Abundance: Jophiel and Metatron
  • Angels of Abundance: Uriel and Raziel
  • Angels of Abundance: Gabriel and Ariel
  • Angels to Remove Blocks and Obstacles to Success


  • 7 Abundance Angels with Exercises

As humans, we are constantly in relationship with other people and as so many of us know - it can be very tricky at times. The angels dedicated to relationships are helpful in dealing with communication and understandings between our spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, family, business partners, romantic partners and bosses.

This hard-working group of angels will give you the clarity, insights and possible blocks or challenges between you and another person.


  • Romance Angels
  • Friendship Angels
  • Family Angels
  • Help with Children
  • Healing Misunderstandings

This section is full of loving and helpful guidance, techniques, information and solutions to your overall health and healing. You'll receive step-by-step instructions on how to conduct safe and powerful healing exercises for yourself and loved ones.

We begin with the basics and then you'll be introduced to more specific techniques to help along your healing journey. Whether you're seeking a healing for yourself, for someone else, or want to awaken your own natural healing abilities, the Angels of Medicine and Healing bring you the trustworthy guidance you've been seeking.


  • The Foundations of Healing with the Angels
  • The Top 6 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Healing
  • Believing in Miracles
  • How to Use Healing Light and Colors
  • Angel Lights and Angel Orbs
  • Caring for Your Chakras
  • The Importance of Cutting Etheric Cords
  • Healing Addictions
  • Angels of Sunlight, Moonlight and Starlight
  • The Power of Prayer, Faith and Divine Guidance
  • Health Care Guidance
  • Angels for Deep, Restful Sleep


  • Angel Colors Companion Guide
  • The Chakras

When you know your purpose, life takes on harmonious and abundant qualities. The Angels of Career and Life Purpose knew what they were doing when they made you. And believe it or not, they didn't make a mistake.

They know your soul gifts. They know what you're good at and what comes easily and naturally to you. They know you're ready to explore your career and spiritual paths and follow that longing inside of you for a deeper, more meaningful life.


  • The Career and Life Purpose Angels
  • Using Angels at Work

Everyday, loving and trustworthy angels watch over you. It is their absolute honor and privilege to help make your life easier, more joyful and less stressful. You can develop an even closer relationship with them by learning their names and specialities.

As unlimited beings, they can assist you and others simultaneously, without being overworked. In this section, you'll learn which archangels to call on for various situations. And take it from me, it's so power packed you'll want to refer to it again and again.


  • Archangel Michael & Metatron
    (Divine Protection)
  • Archangel Raphael & Ariel
    (Divine Healing)
  • Archangel Jophiel & Chamuel
    (Divine Vision & Insight)
  • Archangel Gabriel & Haniel
    (Divine Creativity & Intuition)
  • Archangel Raziel & Uriel
    (Divine Light & Miracles)
  • Archangel Zadkiel & Jeremiel
    (Divine Compassion)
  • Archangel Sandalphon & Raguel
    (Divine Messages)
  • Archangel Azrael & Mary, Queen of Angels
    (Divine Grace)


Living a human life can be challenging. We interact with others who, knowingly or unknowingly, attack our aura (energy field) leaving us vulnerable, afraid and depleted. Other times, our own thoughts can scare us into believing the worst is going to happen, thus slowly ingraining a deep mistrust of ourselves and others.

Willpower and trying to think our way through these powerful negative interactions simply does not work. The only sure-fire way to move forward and through these "spells" is by working with the angels. This section is purely dedicated to the ongoing protection and safety of your mental, spiritual, psychic, emotional and physical bodies.


  • Overcoming Fear with the Angels
  • How to Use Angelic Protection
  • Angel Signs
  • Severing Unwanted Vows Visualization
  • Angel Colors Healing Meditation
  • Meet and Connect with Your Guardian Angels Meditation
  • Meet the Archangels Meditation


  • Angel Protection
  • Angel Signs
  • Shielding and Psychic Protection
  • Removing Curses, Daggers, Swords and Arrows
  • Helpful Archangel Prayers


Connecting regularly with your angels may cause random acts of kindness, vibrant health, deep and lasting relationships and the passion to follow your dreams.


The Loving Realm of Angels Awaits You.

Investing in your peace-of-mind, exceptional health and commitment to joy is a huge step to living the life you've dreamed about and undoubtedly deserve. It takes an enormous amount of courage, pride and motivation to say yes to a healthy, vibrant you. I applaud you, my courageous friend.

And, as a special gift from me to you, I am honored to provide you with the ultimate personalized angel experience ~ a 30-minute Private 1-to-1 Angel Intuitive Reading.

Connecting with the loving angelic realm is nothing short of life-changing. During your private reading you will experience the powerful celestial support and guidance that comes directly from the angels, through me, to illuminate you. This beautiful and loving exchange will inspire you to take the action you need, clarity to make wise decisions, and the confidence you desire to truly live the life you most want to live.

I look forward to welcoming you to the exquisite realm of angels, where celestial wisdom becomes yours.


"I really love this informative course on Angels. I am learning so much and had no idea that there were certain angels to help me out with all my problems. This is the best investment I have made in a long time and recommend this course for anyone who is on the fence and needs answers to all their problems."

- Mitzi Grover, Real Estate Guru, Snowbird and Happy Grandma

"Joanna is an amazing angel intuitive and a teacher. Before I purchased the course I still felt a certain disconnect with my angels, not really knowing if they supported me and wanted to help me. I can happily say that I have watched the course several times now and am SO HAPPY that I own it. It's such a huge part of my recovery and discovering what my purpose is in this lifetime. Joanna has helped me connect with my angels in a way I never have before and has lovingly guided me down the path of my spiritual life I have now. I highly recommend this course!!! I know you'll LOVE it as much as I do and you'll feel ready to connect with your angels!"

- Arielle Cowser, Angel lover, Card Reader, Mom to 2 beautiful girls



When you have completed the Angel Course Masterclass email me that you are done. You will then receive a Certificate of Completion acknowledging that you have met the requirements for competency and professionalism, and will follow a code of ethics as recognized by industry standards.

Well done, angel.

Course Curriculum

  How To Work With Career And Life Purpose Angels
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get started now!

Course Curriculum

  How To Work With Career And Life Purpose Angels
Available in days
days after you enroll



Working with the angels consistently may cause you to be the happiest person you know.


  • SEVEN in-depth lessons with Angel expert and master teacher Joanna Easton
  • Over 15 1/2 hours of video content
  • Clear instructions on how to talk to your angels, hear their guidance and follow their divine messages
  • Downloadable PDF handouts
  • Prayers, meditations and visualizations
  • The chakra system and the angels
  • Sever unwanted cords techniques
  • Easy-to-use angelic protection demonstrations
  • How to remove blocks and obstacles to success and abundance
  • Common signs from the angels
  • The 15 Principal Archangels and their specialties
  • and so much more...

When you register, you get immediate access to all seven lessons and you can start ASAP. You'll go from Angel novice to Angel Expert...quickly. To work with the angels you don't need to be "special" or "chosen". You only need a desire to learn "how" to work with them. The natural ability to connect with the angels loving guidance is already inside of you, it's simply a matter of bringing it out from the shadows and inviting it back into your heart.

This practical and user-friendly course is full of powerful information and proven techniques that you can try out immediately so you can benefit from the angels support and guidance that you most need for Divine solutions.


Lifetime Access

Own this course and come back to it as often as you like.

"People often think I'm crazy when I start talking about the angels. I used to feel the same way. Then I started listening to my cousin Joanna and getting Angel Tarot readings. She was so right, that I wanted to learn more. I jumped at the chance to learn from her Angel Course Masteclass. I'm still going through it, but I LOVE IT!!!!!! I find the more I learn, the more I listen and pay attention, the more signs I see. Thank you Joanna. I look forward to the rest of the course."

~ Roberta Rousos, Professional Artist, Mom and Retired Teacher

"I am so glad I enrolled in Joanna’s Angel Course Masterclass, I have learned so much through her clear understanding of the subject matter. I was glued to my laptop through every section of the course.

My personal life has been full of many challenges for several years and I was so weary trying to take care of things on my own. Through the knowledge gained through the Angel Course, I learned to trust that the Angels want to help me and are eager for me to speak to them (verbally, in writing, or in thought) directly. All I had to do is ask for their help!

In the last 2-3 months I have been able to ask for the Angels’ guidance to help me with several situations. The Angels answered my plea every single time! Thank you very much Joanna, I look forward to more of your teachings! Blessings!"

- Donna DeRosier, Retiree and loving wife and mother

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
This seems like a lot of information. Will I feel overwhelmed or left behind?
Absolutely not! The only requirement is an open mind, curiosity and a willingness to learn. As a certified classroom teacher, I understand the journey of learning. Students, regardless of age, understand information in a variety of ways and teaching about angels is no exception. That’s why handouts, activity’s, visualizations, meditations, and lecture's are part of the beauty and richness of the “virtual classroom.”
What if I have questions that come up?
I hope you do! You always have opportunities to ask me questions. If you're on FB, you can message me through my FB Page Joanna Easton Angel Intuitive. You also can email me at: [email protected]. I’ll answer it as soon as I can.
I would like to purchase this course for a friend and gift it to them. Is that okay?
Absolutely! I’m a big fan of sharing thoughtful gifts with those we care about who may not be able to spend the money on themselves. Simply click on any of the "enroll" buttons, follow the prompts and give them the gift that keeps on giving.
I really want to do this class, is there a 3-payment option available?
Yes! Simply click on the "enroll" button below with the 3-payment option and it will take you to the check-out screen. Simply follow the prompts and you are good to go. Voila!
I’m super excited about this class. Are there materials I need to purchase ahead of time?
Leave your worries to me, my friend. I just need your beautiful, smiling face and open heart. I provide all the materials needed. So sit back. Relax. Enjoy your time with the powerful Angelic, discovering all the different ways they are here to help make your life more peaceful and less stressful.

Get started now!